Methods of treatment of psoriasis

This disease often develops at a young age. Even with a light held to serious psychological problems: low self-esteem, the feeling of shame and social isolation. Psoriasis is not life-threatening, but has a big impact on its quality.


What is psoriasis, what are the causes, how can you cure it? It is quite common dermatoses: medical statistics says that they are suffering up to 5-7% of the population of the Earth. In recent years, psoriasis is considered as a system-diseases — psoriasis disease, because in the pathological process, beyond the skin, are found to be involved the joints, the liver, and the kidneys.

The factors of onset of psoriasis and its signs

The study of psoriasis, its causes and the research of methods of treatment. Until finally not have identified the factors that lead to the defeat of the skin. Experts stress the importance of the following points:

  • significant improvement in the speed of cell division, is linked to the peeling of the top layer of the skin and the appearance of plaques convex;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • to weaken the defenses of the organism (for example, after illness).

The main distinctive signs of the disease form a sort of triad, which includes:

  • education easily scattered scaly patches of whitish-grey, the so – called phenomenon of the acids stearic spots;
  • a further scrape locates the smooth pink surface – the phenomenon of terminal film;
  • the appearance of blood droplets on the bare surface, or the phenomenon of the bleeding point.

Since the disease is chronic, the question “How to cure psoriasis?” will automatically change the wording to “How to translate into a long phase of remission?”

The pharmacological treatment of psoriasis

treatment with medications

Funds external therapy

Local drugs reduce the inflammation, scaling, and the degree of infiltration of the skin. These creams and ointments that contain the following components:

  • salicylic acid;
  • urea;
  • sulfur;
  • dithranol.

Also apply glucocorticoids by the local media. The use of lotions that are suitable in the treatment of psoriasis with the localization on the scalp.

  1. In the stage of progression of the disease is assigned salicylic ointment or hormonal tools with anti-inflammatory effects. Before applying lighter – prednisone, hydrocortisone. In the case of repeated exacerbations, which are of considerable severity of the inflammatory process they replace stronger fluorinated drugs. The use of these drugs quite effectively: in 70% of cases, the result of 14 days of the application manages to achieve the full setback rashes.
  2. Already for several years, apply negalogenizirovanny glucocorticoids. Thanks to the elimination of their composition, chlorine, and fluorine has significantly reduced the probability of onset of adverse reactions, local and system character. Drugs are the basis of the local drug for the treatment of psoriasis in elderly patients and children.
  3. Strong effect is achieved by the application of ointments and creams with dithranol. They are assigned to dosages increasing of short or long duration, methodology and anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative action. Their disadvantage is the probability of the occurrence of adverse reactions in the form of erythema, local swelling, or itching.
  4. Today, for the treatment of psoriasis apply a new drug — psorcutan, has a direct impact on the factors in the pathogenic nature, causing the development of the disease. Its active component is kaltsipotriol, who enters the active response with the receptors of the keratinocytes and suppresses their process of division, has immunocorrecting and anti-inflammatory actions. Studies show that, already by the end of the second month the state of the skin is improved, the number of eruptions of the skin greatly reduced or disappear completely. The important point is the absence of side effects in the form of skin atrophy, and the durability of the results achieved. Psorcutan applied in the treatment of guttate psoriasis, which is difficult to therapy. In some cases it is possible to obtain the remission of a duration of up to one year. The effectiveness of tools substantially increases in combination with the techniques of physical therapy – PUVA - or SFT-radioactive.

The tools used, it is necessary to change periodically, as a result of habituation, their effectiveness decreases.

Systemic treatment

The basis of systemic therapy are scented retinoids (or synthetic derivatives of vitamin a). 20 years, their practical application is evidence of the effectiveness of these tools.

The treatment of psoriatic arthritis

psoriasis arthritis

The treatment of psoriatic arthritis is a challenge to two professionals: a rheumatologist and a dermatologist. Goal is to reach a state of remission (partial or total). It should be noted that stop the progression of the disease and eliminate the symptoms, is possible only through the use of drugs. The attempts of some patients to get rid from the disease non-conventional ways do not lead to positive results and may even lead to a worsening and complications in the form of great changes in the tissues of the joints, spine, a few internal organs.

As it is possible to cure this form of psoriasis? Used drugs are divided into two categories:

  • symptomatic, which include anti-inflammatory drugs and glucocorticoids;
  • the basis of action medications anti-inflammatory: sulfasalazine, methotrexate, leflunomide.

The application of a first group consequent to the rapid appearance of a positive result. The symptoms such as pain and stiffness will disappear after a few hours. However, these drugs are not able to stop the process of destruction of the joints.

A more effective treatment this type of psoriasis can reach through the application of basic drugs. The result of their action is manifested slowly, but the development of psoriatic arthritis this slows down or even suspended. The disadvantage of these drugs is that after a certain time the body gets used to it. There is a need to raise the dose that causes the development of side effects.

A good result can be obtained by the application of anti-cytokine (biologic) therapy, which is able to stop the destruction of the joints. Today this method is considered to be the most effective way possible.

A very important point is the timely initiation of treatment, when the joints are not states of deformation, as this process is irreversible.

Treatment palmar-psoriasis plantar

You can cure a variety of psoriasis with the localization on the palms of the hands and feet? This question is quite problematic, because the traditional methods therapies are ineffective, which is caused by a considerable degree of manifestations of pathological processes in the dermis and epidermis, but also a factor of constant irritation and trauma of the skin of these areas as a consequence of contact with your clothing, frequent washing, etc.

  1. For the effectiveness of the treatment palmar-psoriasis is necessary to respect some rules:
    • do not eat fried foods and products with a spicy flavor;
    • stop smoking;
    • eliminate the alcoholic beverages;
    • do not wash the hands and the feet with water that is too hot;
    • use gloves on the basis of the fabric, avoid contact with aggressive cleaning of the house;
    • if you walk to have formed cracks, we recommend the use of hydrocolloid solution: when applied on the affected area to alert the irritation from rubbing, relieves itching, stimulates the regeneration of the skin.
  2. The goal of pathogenetic therapy is the suppression of the breeding process of the keratinocytes, the normalization of their development, to reduce the inflammation.
  3. External treatment is to apply:
    • moisturizing emollients and medicines that promote the removal of the stratum corneum of the skin (in most cases their basis is the salicylic acid);
    • derivatives of vitamin D;
    • corticosteroids;
    • retinoids.
  4. If it is not possible to obtain a positive result, is also applied to the so-called PUVA therapy, is, in fact, the irradiation of the affected areas by ultraviolet rays with the use of psoralen phtotchemotherapy (promotes the substance).
  5. After the failure of other methods of treatment assigned to a therapy system.

Treatment of psoriasis on the elbows

the psoriasis on the elbows

This type of pathology treated in a comprehensive way. This process is very long and includes:

  • the observance of a special diet;
  • intake of vitamins of the complex;
  • the topical treatment (ointments, creams, lotions);
  • physiotherapy;
  • photochemotherapy.

Pulmonary treatment forms of psoriasis on the elbows can be limited by using moisturizing creams, through which it is possible to reduce the peeling, get rid of inflammation and itching.

During the execution phase it is used a full treatment:

  • drugs corticosteroids local action;
  • phototherapy;
  • photochemotherapy;
  • alternative methods for the treatment of psoriasis (national funds).

Treatment of psoriasis nails

Nail the form of psoriasis has been described in the 19th century. Since then it has been observed that wearing isolated character, that after he has received his confirmation. The nails are affected in some types of psoriasis (for example, the vernacular), however, the disease can evolve.

How to cure nail psoriasis? The process of different duration and difficulty. The disease has a recurrent nature, can slide in the waves. The most important condition of therapy is the right treatment for the fingernails and hands, the daily performance of the necessary activities and the observance of certain rules:

  • the nails are cut short;
  • to avoid microtrauma;
  • do not do manicure, pedicure, not to carry out other beauty treatments;
  • during the execution of the work wearing gloves.

For the treatment of psoriasis nails mild medicines are not applied. You can limit to apply on the plate therapeutic to paint. You mask the affected areas, slow down the course of the pathological process and experience the consequences.

In serious require a local treatment with the use of ointments, syrups and creams. As a further measure recommended to take food supplements and vitamin formulations that contain calcium, zinc, potassium, silicon. An exacerbation of their better to give up.

The treatment of psoriasis of the scalp

psoriasis scalp
  1. An important part of treatment of psoriasis in head is the intake of vitamins a and of the group of drugs with calcium and nicotinic acid, the use of ascorbic acid and folic acid.
  2. The highest is the use of corticosteroid drugs.
  3. Good effect can be obtained by using salicylic ointment.
  4. As a support tool is recommended to wet the fibrous part decoctions of herbs with a marked anti-inflammatory action: the celandine, chamomile and sage.

Treatment of psoriasis on the face

Many patients try to hide the traces of defeat, all with the makeup, but to do this it is not possible. In constant contact with the air and easy exposed to the solar light plate heal much faster.

  • Essential the treatment of psoriasis on the face is skin care, you should only use means that are designed for sensitive skin.
  • Do not clean your face with a towel – this leads to mechanical rupture of the plaque and to stimulate their growth.
  • In the winter you need to use moisturizer.

A complex therapy when you see the psoriasis on the face consists in the following measures:

  • the local treatment with the use of ointments, creams, lotions;
  • in physiotherapy;
  • compared diet medical;
  • photochemotherapy;
  • intake of vitamins.

The treatment of psoriasis folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers a lot of ways proven to get rid of psoriasis.

Recipe 1

In a tub of water, dissolve a package of salt, put in it sick for 15 minutes. Try wetting the scalp. After the exit of the bath tub man has to wipe the same, without drying. First prepare the onion jelly, and rub the head and the body of the patient, leave it to act for about a quarter of an hour with a cloth to remove the residue of the funds and to put the patient to bed. In the morning I have to prepare a decoction celandine, coctum 300 grams of grass in a bucket of water, and wash the body. The following morning, the lava need of neutral soap and a weak solution of manganese. Repeat 7 times.

the traditional methods

Recipe 2

To prepare a tincture with a base of two tablespoons worked chicory and have a cup of boiling water. After the cooling liquid to wet this knowledge a clean cloth a natural fabric and apply to the case of defeat.

Recipe 3

An original way for psoriasis treatment seeds of horse-tail is very effective. The tail of a horse should cook in the oven until they become ashes. Lubricate the platelets juice of garlic and a sprinkle of pumpkin ash. The method is quite ugly, but effective.

Recipe for 4

Two eggs well beaten with a tablespoon of sunflower oil, add about half a teaspoon of acetic acid, pour the mixture in a glass jar dark. On the evening of use for the lubrication of affected areas. This ointment is particularly effective in the early stages of the disease.