Psoriasis and Alcohol: Can I Drink Alcohol During Illness?

Psoriasis can hardly be called a rare disease because it is diagnosed in almost 4% of the world's residents. The pathology causes pink and red spots and excessive peeling on the skin. Many patients at the reception of the attending physician are very interested in whether they can drink with psoriasis. This issue requires careful consideration.

The relationship between alcoholic beverages and psoriasis

Doctors have repeatedly noticed an interesting feature that can find out the relationship between alcoholic beverages and the development of skin pathologies. Many of them believe that, in most cases, the worsening of psoriasis happens in the context of regular alcohol consumption.

Every alcoholic beverage contains ethanol. It has a negative impact on the work of many internal organs. The liver is most affected by it. If a person is accustomed to drinking a lot of alcohol, then over time, this organ will no longer perform its main function normally-neutralize the toxic substances that eventually enter the body. As a result, they will begin to accumulate. Many toxins are found in strong drinks. The accumulation of harmful substances can lead to a lack of useful minerals and vitamins. In addition, toxins can disrupt metabolic processes and cause a decline in immunity.

Treatment for psoriasis received by alcohol addicts will not produce the expected results. As the disease worsens in the context of body poisoning, the patient may start to feel worse.

Psoriasis expert consultation

Medical research on this subject enabled them to obtain the following information:

  • Alcoholics who are susceptible to psoriasis are more likely to develop this disease than non-drinkers;
  • In patients with alcohol dependence, the treatment of psoriasis is quite long and not always effective. What chronic pathology worries them is not the worsening season, but the whole year;
  • Alcohol in psoriasis can cause dangerous complications to appear quickly;
  • It is precisely because of this addiction that psoriasis often makes people feel like they are.

Based on the above, it is easy to guess the effect of alcohol on disease and how it promotes its development. It is much more difficult for alcoholics to get rid of this pathology, because their weak bodies cannot fight the disease independently.

Compatibility of diseases with different types of alcohol

The treatment of skin pathologies takes a lot of time. In order for the treatment to produce positive results, the patient should strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations. Experts strongly recommend that all patients stop drinking alcoholic beverages and normalize their diet. However, not every patient is ready to take such steps to speed up recovery.

Different types of alcohol have different effects on psoriasis and its development. Most of them must be completely abandoned so as not to exacerbate the already problematic situation. But there are also a variety of alcoholic beverages, even if the patient drinks a small amount, it will not cause major harm.

Drinking alcoholic beverages in patients diagnosed with psoriasis can have the following effects:

Light and dark beer

Not much barley was used in the production of the first hop drink. Therefore, it will not put too much pressure on the liver. This means that such beer is not that dangerous to the body. But it also cannot be called completely harmless. This low-alcohol beverage can still cause plaque formation.

Dark beer is considered very harmful to people who are prone to psoriasis. Therefore, abuse of this beverage is a possible factor in the formation of a large number of plaques on the body. The doctor did not tell the patient in vain: "Don't drink drunk drinks. " After all, dark beer can cause serious complications of psoriasis. In addition, it also contains gluten protein, all patients diagnosed with psoriasis are sensitive to it.

Can psoriasis drink dark beer

Dark beer is considered bad for people with psoriasis!

Non-alcoholic beer with chronic psoriasis can be consumed. But you only need to limit yourself to a small amount of this beverage.


There are many kinds of this drink, and women like it the most. Psoriasis white wine actually has no significant effect on the development of the disease and the appearance of its complications. It has little effect on the patient's body. Some experts even recommend drinking a little of this drink because it will not cause much harm.

Red wine affects the body in different ways. This species is very likely to cause the exacerbation of psoriasis. But this drink will not cause harm to the body like dark beer.

It is worth noting that people with psoriasis can eat grapes.


In the manufacture of certain varieties of this beverage, barley grains are used. After processing, they are completely separated from the product. Therefore, the risk of skin lesions is significantly reduced.


Experts say that regular consumption of sparkling beverages can cause erythema and itching. For this reason, it is recommended not to drink champagne to protect yourself from psoriasis and its spread throughout the body.


In some cases, doctors will allow patients to drink hard alcohol without dyes or other artificial additives. Patients with chronic psoriasis take no more than 100 grams of vodka. If they drink too much, the possibility of worsening their skin disease will increase.


Such strong drinks, such as martinis and absinthe, can cause severe exacerbations of psoriasis and cause it to transition from the chronic stage to the acute stage. Therefore, its use is contraindicated.

Most patients must stop drinking alcohol completely. In rare cases, they can supplement the table with vodka or white wine, but the number is limited.

Can psoriasis drink red wine

Most patients must give up alcohol completely!

Consequences of alcoholism

People who drink regularly are not only at risk of psoriasis, but also at risk of its complications. In response to this problem, experts have conducted a lot of research. Thanks to them, they found that the serious complications of psoriasis occurred with an enviable pattern in patients who continued to drink alcohol.

At the moment when alcohol causes skin pathology to worsen, patients will complain of the following symptoms:

  1. Weakness and feeling unwell;
  2. Fever with chills;
  3. Joint pain
  4. Hair loss
  5. Swollen lymph nodes;
  6. Severe itching of the skin;
  7. The immune system is weakened.

In this case, the patient needs qualified help. As psoriasis worsens, hospitalization is required because the patient's condition may deteriorate significantly at any time.

If a person drinks alcohol frequently, the deterioration of psoriasis is not observed in certain seasons, but is observed continuously. His condition will only get worse every time.

Sometimes it happens that a person realizes that he should stop drinking to restore his health, but he does not have enough willpower to take such steps. Because of this, patients are greatly risking their health and lives. In this case, patients with psoriasis need qualified help. If they cannot cope with alcohol addiction alone, then they will be sent to date an anesthesiologist to solve the problem.